The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, June 21, 6:00pm at the Refectory.
President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a excellent dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff.
President’s Report: Daryl shared various thank you notes from groups that received donations from the club. He also said that he attended a meeting of the Gettysburg Area Recreation Association and presented them with a check for $990 to be used for purchasing helmets for the skateboarding group. The meeting was on June 19.
Speaker: David Bradshaw spoke about the recent incident involving a Philippine container ship ramming the United States destroyer USS Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan. The container ship weighs 29,000 tons the US ship weighs 8,300 tons. David described what probably was involved in this incident and the various aspects of the investigation that will take place.
Treasurer’s Report : Tom Barako reported on Activity and General Fund. Tom said that about ten organizations remain to be funded in the future. He said that the club is in excellent financial condition currently.
Next Meeting: The next club meeting will be Wednesday, July 26, at Wayne Hill’s home. Chicken corn soup will be served. This is the only meeting in July. Everyone is invited to attend this gathering: friends, family, etc.
President Daryl closed the meeting at 7:30 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred Darling
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors met immediately after the regular meeting.
Items discussed:
The main item of discussion was the status of the change to 501c3, non-profit organization. Sam reported that everything is proceeding well and on schedule. There are various details yet to be completed such as the name of the club and filing papers with the state. Daryl said that he will follow up on everything and all should be completed by December.
There was some discussion about having to adjust the Oyster Feed ticket prices for the upcoming year.
Bruce said that the Golf Tourney next year will be the third Thursday of May.
July 26, 2017 Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedReminder- Don’t forget the Gettysburg Optimist Club Picnic today July 26 at Wayne Hill’s home, 6:00pm.
We are asking members to bring food accordingly : A-C salad D-K summer veggie K-S dessert
Wayne will provide plenty of his award-winning chicken corn soup !!
Bring your bathing suits.
See you there !
July 26, 2017 Meeting
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will be having a picnic at Wayne Hill’s home on Wednesday , July 26 at 6:00pm. There will be plenty of Wayne’s world-famous chicken corn soup.
Members are being asked to bring a dish. Dishes are being divided alphabetically as follows:
A-C salad
D-K summer veggie
K-S dessert
Thank you !
Also don’t forget your bathing suits , weather permitting.
June 21, 2017 General and Board Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, June 21, 6:00pm at the Refectory.
President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a excellent dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff.
President’s Report: Daryl shared various thank you notes from groups that received donations from the club. He also said that he attended a meeting of the Gettysburg Area Recreation Association and presented them with a check for $990 to be used for purchasing helmets for the skateboarding group. The meeting was on June 19.
Speaker: David Bradshaw spoke about the recent incident involving a Philippine container ship ramming the United States destroyer USS Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan. The container ship weighs 29,000 tons the US ship weighs 8,300 tons. David described what probably was involved in this incident and the various aspects of the investigation that will take place.
Treasurer’s Report : Tom Barako reported on Activity and General Fund. Tom said that about ten organizations remain to be funded in the future. He said that the club is in excellent financial condition currently.
Next Meeting: The next club meeting will be Wednesday, July 26, at Wayne Hill’s home. Chicken corn soup will be served. This is the only meeting in July. Everyone is invited to attend this gathering: friends, family, etc.
President Daryl closed the meeting at 7:30 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred Darling
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors met immediately after the regular meeting.
Items discussed:
The main item of discussion was the status of the change to 501c3, non-profit organization. Sam reported that everything is proceeding well and on schedule. There are various details yet to be completed such as the name of the club and filing papers with the state. Daryl said that he will follow up on everything and all should be completed by December.
There was some discussion about having to adjust the Oyster Feed ticket prices for the upcoming year.
Bruce said that the Golf Tourney next year will be the third Thursday of May.
June 21, 2017 Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet on Wednesday June 21, 6:00 pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Please join us for some great fellowship and dinner.
Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Gettysburg Optimist Club will be on July 26 at Wayne Hill’s home. This will be the only meeting in July.
June 7, 2017 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, June 7, at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. President Daryl opened the meeting at 7:05 with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed our guests and then everyone enjoyed a great dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff. After dinner Daryl provided a summary of the activities and philosophy of the Gettysburg Optimist Club and encouraged guests to consider joining the organization.
Daryl then introduced Jerry Cleaver from Ruth’s Harvest. This group is a free shared program with the Gettysburg Ministerium, Gettysburg Area School District, and community partners to help local families eat healthier. The club presented Ruth’s Harvest with a check for $1000 to assist them in their efforts.
Next Daryl called upon Reading is Fundamental (RIF) representatives to inform the club about their function and goals. RIF is the largest non-profit children’s literacy organization in the United States. It is committed to a literate America by inspiring a passion for reading among all children. It empowers children to read, learn, and grow. The club presented a check for $1200 to each representative.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported
Golf Tournament : May 18 Bruce Bradshaw reported that the Tournament went very well and was quite successful, surpassing all expectations. Preliminary figures place us at a profit. All members agreed that it was a wonderful day. Thanks to all who participated!
High School Senior Self-Improvement Award Breakfast: May 4 Walt Jones spoke about the purpose of this breakfast. Seniors from Adams County Schools were recognized for showing great improvement and hard work. They received a monetary award which they could use for any purpose. The club contributed $1200 toward this endeavor.
Upcoming Schedule:
Next Meeting June 21 at the PAVILION.
Summer Meetings July 26 at Wayne’s house featuring Chicken Corn Soup. This is the only July meeting.
August 2 Lake Heritage Pavilion
August 16 hosting zone meeting at the Pavilion
Members Comments
Mark expressed thanks to Bruce for a very successful Golf Tourney
Daryl mentioned that the club will provide funds for the purchase of helmets to be used by the skate park kids at Rec Park. This will be at their June 19 meeting.
President Daryl closed the meeting at 7:45pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred
2017 Summer Meetings
UncategorizedThe June 21 meeting of the Gettysburg Optimist Club will be held at the PAVILION, not at the Community Center. Please note.
All other summer meetings will be held at the at the Pavilion.
Thank you.
2017 Golf Tournament was a Success
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club recently held the 2017 Annual Golf Tournament at the Links at Gettysburg on Thursday, May 18, 2017. A scramble format teed off at 1:00pm. Contests include longest drive, closest to pin, green of gold and a putting contest. A wonderful dinner followed the event catered by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
This year we exceeded all expectations. Thank you to all that sponsored, showed up and joined in the fun to support the Optimist in their efforts to bring out the best in kids.
Please check out images on our facebook page where you can share and tag yourself!
THANK YOU to this year’s Golf Tournament Sponsors and Participants!
June 7, 2017 Meeting
UncategorizedGuys and gals,
The meeting is shaping up to be a fun evening! Ferrara is going to give pontoon rides after the meeting…. another highlight of the evening!
Hopefully we will be greeting several prospective Optimists as well. Keep thinking…. long time friends… relatives….spouses… business folks looking to make new contacts.
See you Wednesday! Have a great weekend!!!
Optimistically, Wayne
June 7th Meeting
UncategorizedJune 7th Meeting
UncategorizedFellow Optimists!
A soggy good morning!!!
We are having a prospective members meeting on June 7th at the pavilion at Lake Heritage with the festivities beginning around 6:00. We are hoping that all of you will put on your thinking caps and bring a friend/business associate/relative to the meeting. It promises to be a great meeting with the presentation of checks to the RIF (Reading is Fundamental) folks, great food (Stacey is catering), adult beverages, and I am promised …..a pontoon ride on Lake Heritage after the meeting in Len Ferrara’s SHIP. (Does that bring back memories with Clyde’s cruises around the lake?) It was super seeing everyone at the Golf Tournament last week but that shows us that we need more “worker bees”! I think our club is the best in the zone/district but we need to expand our ranks with new blood….maybe younger blood……more leadership!!!
So, bring a prospective member or two (or three….who says we cannot be optimistic!?). Maybe you could respond to Daryl or myself so we have enough food?
Optimistically, as always,