Guest: The Club had a wonderful presentation by Carrie Stuart who is the President of Adams County Chambers. She talked with us about the Adams County Economic Education Foundation. This foundation supports youth in several ways, including Senior Self Improvement which is given to a student from each of the Adams County school districts. The applicants must submit a written statement along with 2 references. The winner is selected based on improvement in areas such as attendance, attitude, behavior, grades, and service to others. The selected recipients will receive a $500 cash prize. Four runners up will receive a $100 cash prize.
There is also a local mentoring program where students and community leaders commit to a 2 year partnership. The students have monthly training sessions. The goal is to expose at risk youth to positive leaders in the community to foster self-esteem, career planning, and improved academics.
There is also a career awareness portion of the foundation which helps to prepare students for the future. There is an annual Career Fair held at Gettysburg College. Students spend a half day on campus. They have the opportunity to attend three different career presentations (out of a possible 65) to learn about their interests.
In cooperation with HACC-Gettysburg the foundation offers an “Introduction to Manufacturing and Business” course which combines classroom learning at HACC with 9 weeks of on-site business instruction in the local community. Carrie received a $1250 donation from the Optimist Club for this foundation which benefits so many local youth.
Treasurer Report: The final totals from the Magic Show are in. As a result of many generous donations the Club surpassed its fundraising goal for this event by more than $1000. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Basketball: We have had a 2 week break, but returned to the courts this Saturday. A photographer dispensed order forms for team and individual pictures. The photographs will be taken Saturday, March 1st. 10% of proceeds from the photographs will go to the Optimist Club.
Stars Program: Joe attended this program last month. He offered a few words about the Club and the events that we support. Many of the award recipients recalled participating in Optimist Basketball or receiving a book from the RIF program.
Oyster & Shrimp Feed: March is fast approaching along with the much-loved Annual Oyster and Shrimp Feed. The feed is slated for Saturday, March 8th from 12-3pm at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. Tickets are $35 and it is strongly encouraged to order tickets prior to the event. All able-bodies are asked to come and support this fundraising event. Set up for the feed will occur on Friday, March 7th at 6:30pm at the Fire Hall. Currently, Daryl, Mark C., Bill, Tom, Joe, Don D., Fred, Kris and Walt have signed up for set-up. Daryl, Mark C, Marci, Bill, Tom, Joe, Don D, Fred, Walt, Jean, Darlene, Kris, and Mindy have signed up for the feed. Please email Wayne ([email protected]) with the number of tickets you have sold or if you would like to help on the 7th or 8th. More information may be found here.
Golf Tournament: The deposit has been put down to reserve the Links for our golf tournament on Thursday, May 22nd. Please continue to seek out golfers and sponsors. More information may be found here.
Hoss’s Fundraiser: The club’s next fundraiser at Hoss’s is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th. Please encourage your friends and family to attend as 20-25% of proceeds will go to the club. Joe is picking up vouchers for the event or you may print one from our website.
East York Optimist Annual Pig Roast Fundraiser: Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30pm. This great event is All-You-Can-Eat for $40. There will also be more than $1700 in prizes, so please consider supporting another wonderful Optimist organization. Contact Walt ([email protected]) for more information.
Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s.
Wednesday, March 19th at 6:30pm at theArtCouncilBuilding
Gettysburg Optimist Basketball: “Bringing out the best in kids!” for 49 years.
UncategorizedIt began way back in 1965 when the Optimist Club of Gettysburg sponsored the first Optimist Youth Basketball program for youngsters from the Gettysburg area. It sought to teach the fun and fundamentals of basketball to youngsters in grades 1 through 6, regardless of their individual skill level. At the start the Program rules were very simple, though some thought them to be revolutionary. All kids played, all focused on the fundamentals of the game, no score keeping and all participants were required to have fun.
Forty-nine years later and the Optimist Youth Basketball Program continues to observe the same set of rules and still reaches out to the youth of the community who want to learn the game of basketball, have fun and share an experience that forms life-long memories. The program is conducted every Saturday morning over eight weeks of winter. Currently each one-hour session is held at the Gettysburg Area Middle School between the months of January through March. The players are divided into boy and girl groups; Grades 1-3 and grades 4-6 and in some years, kindergarten. All participants are encouraged to attend, even if they cannot commit to attending all the weekly sessions. Each boy and girl receives a free basketball tee-shirt as a memento of their experience.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program is one of more than nineteen youth oriented programs conducted and funded by the local Optimist Club each year. Club members, parents and community volunteers act as leaders, monitors, coaches and mentors. Many of them were once young participants in earlier programs and are now coaching and mentoring their children and grandchildren. Since its inception more than 5000 area young people have participated in the annual basketball outings. This year’s 115 aspiring players will meet this Saturday morning March 8, and wrap up their season next Saturday, March 15.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 and continues to be dedicated to providing young people with positive activities and learning opportunities. Club members are men and women who come from all walks of life and who are united in an effort to, “To Bring out the Best in Kids!”
To learn more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and our many programs, activities and a membership opportunity, visit , or call 717-220-3416.
Optimist Meeting Minutes 3/5/14
UncategorizedAnnual Oyster and Shrimp Feed: All hands on deck! All available Optimist members are asked to come out to help make this a successful fundraiser. Prep will begin at 6:30pm on Friday, March 7th. at the Gettysburg Fire Department. Band-Aids will be supplied for any shucking injuries! On Saturday, members are asked to come early to help in the kitchen. Wayne plans to be there at 9 a.m. The feeding frenzy will be from 12-3pm. Please remember to bring a dessert. Ticket sale estimates look strong so we hope to have a full house!
Optimist Basketball: There are only 2 weekends left for this youth program! This season has flown by. Kris and Mindy will coach the children from 9-1pm this Saturday before heading over to the Feed. The kids and volunteers are doing a great job. We have been scrimmaging for a larger portion of the practice and the kids and parents really seem to enjoy participating.
Golf Tournament: After the Oyster Feed, Bruce plans to be in full Golf Tournament mode. We received our first sponsorship check from the Blue & Grey! We are looking for 35 more tee/green sponsors for the tournament which is set for May 22nd. We are hoping to have 36 foursomes participating in this event. Please click on the following link: to take you to printable golf tournament information. Everyone is encouraged to find a sponsor and foursome.
Hoss’s Night Fundraiser: The next Hoss’s Night is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th. 20-25% of guest bills go to the Optimist Club. In order to participate, a patron just needs to hand the cashier our ticket or printed flyer. Fliers will be dispensed at Basketball and the Oyster Feed. Please attend to help us meet our budgeted goals. Click here for the flyer link.
Public Relations: We are having a record number of hits on Facebook in relation to the Oyster Feed, Basketball, and the Golf Tournament. Marci recently put an ad that ran on Facebook for 24 hours for just $5. The ad was to promote the Oyster Feed. It reached 1600 people in the local area who had interests in Food, Oysters, Fundraisers, Optimist, or Youth. At least 6 more tickets were sold from this ad, which is well worth the $5. Marci will plan to use this form of advertising in the future for events such as the Golf Tournament. Two ads also ran recently in the Gettysburg Times. A photographer from the paper did take some pictures last week at Basketball, so hopefully the program will receive some coverage.
Optimist of East York Pig Roast: Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30pm. This great event is All-You-Can-Eat for $40. There will also be more than $1700 in prizes, so please consider supporting another wonderful Optimist organization. Contact Walt ([email protected]) for more information.
* Tom encourages everyone to continue sending in dues.
Upcoming Meetings:
Wednesday, 3/19 at 6:30pm at the Arts Council Building on Washington St.
Wednesday, 4/2 at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s (Guests: RIF/Outdoor Ed.)
Wednesday, 4/16/14 a 6:30 at Mamma Ventura’s (Guests: Musical Theatre)
Two Practices Left for Optimist Basketball!
UncategorizedOptimist Basketball is winding to a close. There are 2 practices left this Saturday and next Saturday, lets finish up strong!
Optimist Meeting Tonight!
UncategorizedThe Optimist will meet at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s. Board of Directors meeting to follow the regular business meeting.
Attention All Optimist Shuckers. All Hands and Knives on Deck!
UncategorizedThe Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed is upon us. As in the past, members will be asked to roll up their sleeves, slip on their gloves, man their favorite tool and prepare to shuck, pad, steam and fry. This is a last call for members to tune-in and turn out and prepare for the onslaught of hungry oyster and shrimp eaters that will be charging the buffet line this Saturday, March 8, beginning at noon.
As is always the case, effectively meeting the challenge depends most upon our preparation, so all members are encouraged to show up on Friday evening at 6:30 pm for the 2014 annual oyster pad-off. Project leaders Wayne Hill and Stacey Green will be providing the inspiration and an adequate supply of bandages for eager participants. Plenty of pork barbeque sandwiches will be available to those who attend Friday’s preparation party.
Members are reminded to report for duty at 10:00 am on Saturday for pre-event preparations. The public feeding frenzy will commence at Noon and will be served through 3:00 pm.
Please bring a desert! Spouses, kids, grand kids, significant others, friends and volunteers are invited to help out.
If you have not yet heard, this years Event has returned to the Gettysburg Fire Hall located on Stratton Street in Gettysburg.
Optimist Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg has one meeting left before our big day, the Annual Oyster and Shrimp Feed (Saturday, March 8th). Our regular business meeting is set for Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s. We will be hammering out last minute details for the Feed and discussing the Golf Tournament.
Optimist Basketball Continues with Photos this Week
UncategorizedThe Optimist Basketball continues as regularly scheduled this weekend. There will be a photographer present on Saturday to take individual and team photos during practice. Please remember to bring your order forms!
Optimist Meeting Minutes 2-19-14
UncategorizedGuest: The Club had a wonderful presentation by Carrie Stuart who is the President of Adams County Chambers. She talked with us about the Adams County Economic Education Foundation. This foundation supports youth in several ways, including Senior Self Improvement which is given to a student from each of the Adams County school districts. The applicants must submit a written statement along with 2 references. The winner is selected based on improvement in areas such as attendance, attitude, behavior, grades, and service to others. The selected recipients will receive a $500 cash prize. Four runners up will receive a $100 cash prize.
There is also a local mentoring program where students and community leaders commit to a 2 year partnership. The students have monthly training sessions. The goal is to expose at risk youth to positive leaders in the community to foster self-esteem, career planning, and improved academics.
There is also a career awareness portion of the foundation which helps to prepare students for the future. There is an annual Career Fair held at Gettysburg College. Students spend a half day on campus. They have the opportunity to attend three different career presentations (out of a possible 65) to learn about their interests.
In cooperation with HACC-Gettysburg the foundation offers an “Introduction to Manufacturing and Business” course which combines classroom learning at HACC with 9 weeks of on-site business instruction in the local community. Carrie received a $1250 donation from the Optimist Club for this foundation which benefits so many local youth.
Treasurer Report: The final totals from the Magic Show are in. As a result of many generous donations the Club surpassed its fundraising goal for this event by more than $1000. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Basketball: We have had a 2 week break, but returned to the courts this Saturday. A photographer dispensed order forms for team and individual pictures. The photographs will be taken Saturday, March 1st. 10% of proceeds from the photographs will go to the Optimist Club.
Stars Program: Joe attended this program last month. He offered a few words about the Club and the events that we support. Many of the award recipients recalled participating in Optimist Basketball or receiving a book from the RIF program.
Oyster & Shrimp Feed: March is fast approaching along with the much-loved Annual Oyster and Shrimp Feed. The feed is slated for Saturday, March 8th from 12-3pm at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. Tickets are $35 and it is strongly encouraged to order tickets prior to the event. All able-bodies are asked to come and support this fundraising event. Set up for the feed will occur on Friday, March 7th at 6:30pm at the Fire Hall. Currently, Daryl, Mark C., Bill, Tom, Joe, Don D., Fred, Kris and Walt have signed up for set-up. Daryl, Mark C, Marci, Bill, Tom, Joe, Don D, Fred, Walt, Jean, Darlene, Kris, and Mindy have signed up for the feed. Please email Wayne ([email protected]) with the number of tickets you have sold or if you would like to help on the 7th or 8th. More information may be found here.
Golf Tournament: The deposit has been put down to reserve the Links for our golf tournament on Thursday, May 22nd. Please continue to seek out golfers and sponsors. More information may be found here.
Hoss’s Fundraiser: The club’s next fundraiser at Hoss’s is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th. Please encourage your friends and family to attend as 20-25% of proceeds will go to the club. Joe is picking up vouchers for the event or you may print one from our website.
East York Optimist Annual Pig Roast Fundraiser: Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30pm. This great event is All-You-Can-Eat for $40. There will also be more than $1700 in prizes, so please consider supporting another wonderful Optimist organization. Contact Walt ([email protected]) for more information.
Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s.
Wednesday, March 19th at 6:30pm at theArtCouncilBuilding
Optimist Meeting Tonight!
UncategorizedCome on out Optimist for a gathering this evening at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s. We have lots to discuss as we get in gear for some of our big events, including the Oyster and Shrimp Feed and the Golf Tournament.
Optimist Basketball Returns This Week!
UncategorizedAll of you basketball fans, Optimist Basketball is back this week after our 2 week break. We will be passing out order forms for team and individual photos. Pictures are scheduled for Saturday March 1st. See you on the courts this Saturday, February 22nd.
Grade 1-3 Boys: 9-10am
Grade 1-3 Girls: 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys: 11-noon
Grade 4-6 Girls: noon-1pm