It all came together several decades ago, a feed just for oyster lovers and a project to raise funds in support of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg’s Youth Programs.  Truly an odd pairing to say the least, but it clicked in the hearts, minds and pallets of members, community leaders and citizens of Gettysburg who every year since continue to gather together not only for their appreciation for the slippery shell-fish but, more importantly, come together in their desire to make a difference in the lives of area youth.  This year the popular Oyster Feed grew to include a new addition to the menu, steamed shrimp, and the community responded with a record turn out and what is sure to become a record fund-raiser.

In addition to the new menu a new venue, the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg, welcomed more than he 236 diners from as far away as Scranton, Lancaster and York with more space and a brighter more sparkling environment.  It created some new and different challenges for the Oyster and Shrimp Team but in the end it was a successful afternoon of good food, great fun and lively social interaction between family and friends.  But even though it may look easy, it is not.  Bringing it off so successfully just didn’t happen, it happened because of the hard work, dedication and commitment of many talented individuals, each focused on achieving a quality experience for all those generous people who showed up in support of the Clubs goals and objectives.

Terrific performing teams come together behind inspiring leadership and the Club followed Wayne Hill and Stacey Green, who for yet another year, pulled out all the stops to organize and lead the Optimist Team through the process of ticket sales, food purchases, site acquisition, cooking and cleaning.  For Wayne, Project Chair since its inception,(“shucking” has become part of his DNA)  he has once again retained the crown as “Oyster King” and Stacy, of Biggerstaff’s Catering, mastered the difficult challenge of teaching the members some reasonable culinary skills.

As members we collectively offer our sincerest appreciation for the attendees, contributors, volunteers  and supporters of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.   Your continued and overwhelming support provides us the ability to reach out to the youth of our community through more than 19 Youth related programs each year.  We thank you for your kind efforts and invite you to become a member and join with us in making a difference.

For more photos of the event, visit our Facebook page.


Adam is the 16 year old son of Brenda and Jim DeYoung, two of the newest members of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.  The DeYoung’s travel from their home in Greencastle, PA to be enthusiastic members of the Gettysburg Club, setting forth an amazing example of community service for their children and others.  Adam is following his parents example of “Bringing Out The Best In Kids”, by selecting the Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Program as his community service project, a requirement for his graduation from the Greencastle-Antrim School District next year.  He has traveled from Greencastle to Gettysburg to help coach and work with the youth of the Program.  “My experience with helping the Gettysburg Youth basketball organization was one of a kind. I enjoyed helping the kids get better at their basketball skills and it was an experience I won’t forget”, said Adam.  The Optimist Club of Gettysburg thanks Adam for his support and wishes him well in his continued studies.

The final session of the 2013 Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Program will be held this Saturday.  The schedule is as follows:

Boys, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Gettysburg Middle School
4th-6th Boys, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Gettysburg Middle School
K – 3rd Girls, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Lincoln School
4th-6thGirls, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Lincoln School


The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed is upon us.  As in the past, members will be asked to roll up their sleeves, slip on their gloves, man their favorite tool and prepare to shuck, pad, steam and fry.  This is a last call for members to tune-in and turn out and prepare for the onslaught of hungry oyster and shrimp eaters that will be charging the buffet line this Saturday, March 9, beginning at noon.

As is always the case, effectively meeting the challenge depends most upon our preparation, so all members are encouraged to show up on Friday evening at 6:30 pm for the 2013 annual oyster pad-off.  Project leaders Wayne Hill and Stacey Green will be providing the inspiration and an adequate supply of bandages for eager participants.  Saturday’s preparation will begin at 10:00 am and the feeding frenzy will commence at Noon and run through 4:00 pm.  We have experienced an increase in ticket sales this year and expect to be busy during the length of the event.

Please bring a desert!  Spouses, kids, grand kids, significant others, friends and volunteers are invited to help out.

If you have not yet heard, this years Event is being held at the 1863 Inn (the old Holiday Inn) located on Baltimore Street, at the intersection with Steinwehr Avenue, in Gettysburg.  A prize will be awarded to any member who shows up at the Gettysburg Fire Hall appearing confused, as to why they don’t recognize anyone, and thinking that they may have the wrong date for the event.  Winners will have to be present and admit to their mistake in front of all their fellow members in order to receive their prize.


The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed is this Saturday, March 9, 2013 between noon and 3 pm.

This year the popular event moves to the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg located at 516 Baltimore Street, in Gettysburg.  The annual All U Can Eat Oyster & Shrimp Feed includes oysters (raw, steamed, stewed, and fried), steamed shrimp, ham, steak fries, beverage, and dessert for a donation of $30 per person!

For ticket reservations, phone (717) 220-3416.

All money raised contributes to supporting more than 19 local youth related programs and organizations throughout the Gettysburg area.

Come on out and help the Optimist Club of Gettysburg, “Bring Out the Best in Kids”.  We hope to see you there!

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Membership Meeting scheduled for this evening has been cancelled due to inclement weather.  The next regular membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:30 pm.  Stay tuned for updates as to the location.

The Refectory will be the site for the next Optimist Meeting on Wednesday March 6th.  Come hear a presentation from the Boy Scouts.  This will be our final meeting before the Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed.

Matt Sheads began his association with the Optimist Club of Gettysburg in 2004 and soon after became the Chairman of the Optimist of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program.  Each year since, accompanied by Optimist members, parents and interested volunteers, the program has flourished and provided hundreds of Gettysburg area boys and girls the opportunity to learn and play basketball.  We appreciate Matt’s continued leadership and his generous, ongoing effort to “Bringing Out The Best In Kids.”

This Saturday, March 2, the program will continue.  The schedule is as follows:

Boys, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Gettysburg Middle School 4th, 5th & 6th
Boys, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Gettysburg Middle School K – 3rd
Girls, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Lincoln School 4th, 5th & 6th
Girls, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Lincoln School K-3rd

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg held its annual Reading Is Fundamental/Drop Everything And Read and Gettysburg Middle School Outdoor Education Donation Dinner on February 20, 2013.   Each year the Optimist Club makes a donation to the reading programs of James Gettys, Franklin Township, and Lincoln Elementary Schools as well as Adams County HeadStart, St. Francis Xavier School, and the Vida Charter School.  Additionally, the Gettysburg Middle School received a donation for their Outdoor Education Program.


James Gettys Elementary DEAR Representatives: Kristin Mooney, Valerie Andrews, Victoria Parrish, Henry Mooney, Olivia Andrews, Isabell Parrish, Maggie Mooney and Optimist President Craig Sweet













Adams County HeadStart RIF Representatives: Jen Showers and Optimist President Craig Sweet












Lincoln Elementary RIF Representatives: Vikki Slaybaugh, Val Stone, Zachary Slaybaugh, Grace Stone and Optimist President Craig Sweet










Franklin Township Elementary RIF Representatives: Becky Kohler, Ellie Kohler and Optimist President Craig Sweet












Gettysburg Area Middle School Outdoor Education Representative: Principal Dr. Jim O’Connor and Optimist President Craig Sweet


Invited guests: We had a great turn-out as donations were given to the Reading Is Fundamental and Outdoor Education programs.  We learned about the hundreds of books given out to students, themed classroom decorations, and mock elections.   One group of students even surpassed their goal of reading more than 2,013 books in three months.  Some of our young guests expressed their love for the program because “reading is a lot of fun” and “books take you places that you haven’t been” .

James Gettys school has invited the Optimist Club to participate in their last RIF program of the school year from 9am-3pm on Friday, April 19.

Dr. O’Connor, the representative from Outdoor Education told us about how this program is such a great opportunity for “learning by doing”.  Our donation will help to maintain the program through difficult budget Many of Optimist members could recall fond memories of participating in this week long event.

Optimist Moment: Jean clearly recalls her first Optimist meeting where everyone was so welcoming.  Every single member present took the time to come up to her and chat about themselves and the organization.  That cemented Jean’s desire to become a part of the club.

Upcoming Events: Optimist Basketball returns this Saturday from 9-11:45.  Members are encouraged to come and lend a hand to help with drills, coaching, or refereeing.

The Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed  is fast approaching on Saturday, March 9, 2013.  Please continue to sell tickets.  A count by the members present indicated that 125 tickets have been sold to this point!   If you need more tickets please contact Wayne.  Don’t forget the new event location is at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg on Baltimore Street.

 On Tuesday, March 26th the East York Optimist Club will be holding their Annual Oyster Feed.  Please see Joe for more details.

Members are encouraged to continue to seek out sponsors for the Optimist Golf Tournament in order to make it another successful event.  We are able to support many youth programs by the funds raised at this event so please take the time to seek out a sponsorship.

Other notes: Jim has started to work on the design for a portable banner that the club can bring to Optimist events to help encourage recruitment.  The members who were present at the meeting voted for Jim to proceed with ordering the banner.

***Important Meeting information: There will be a new venue for the next Optimist meeting on Wednesday, March 6th.  Due to the Refectory already being in use, our meeting will be held down the street in Valentine Hall (Two doors down from the Chapel and directly across from the parking lot that is next to the Refectory).  We will have a presentation from the Boy scouts.

In elementary and middle school Optimist member Mindy Accardi played basketball in a Saturday morning program run by parents and volunteers. It was fashioned very similarly to the Optimist Basketball program. Mindy loved learning basketball skills, exercising, and spending time with her friends outside of the classroom. She used the skills learned during the Saturday morning camps as she continued to play basketball through high school. It was during her high school years that she first learned what it felt like to give back and volunteer. She committed her Saturday mornings during the basketball season to helping coach a new generation of young basketball players. She found just as much enjoyment in volunteering and watching the kids learn as she did in playing.

When Mindy learned that the Optimist Club of Gettysburg sponsored a Youth Basketball program she became even more excited to join the local Club and she continues to find the volunteer experience very rewarding.  We appreciate Mindy’s contributions to the club and the basketball program.

After a weekend break in observance of Presidents Day, play resumes on Saturday, February 23  The schedule is as follows:

Boys, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Gettysburg Middle School 4th, 5th & 6th
Boys, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Gettysburg Middle School K – 3rd
Girls, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Lincoln School 4th, 5th & 6th
Girls, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Lincoln School K-3rd