As we enter the fourth and final quarter of this Optimist year we still have much to accomplish as “Friends of Youth” in Gettysburg. Although the list of things to do is getting shorter, each remaining challenge is certainly no less important to our club, our members and the community.
Since 1958, The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has served the needs of our youth with energy, generosity and commitment to the principles of Optimism. We have made a difference in thousands of young lives throughout the years and we have been successful in instilling the principles of optimism, personal growth and community service in the hearts and minds of the youth we have served and mentored.
Today our organization and other service organizations are confronted with the realities of a challenging economy, social change and increased personal demands on volunteer’s time. As we all struggle to balance the many changes and challenges in our personal lives, the needs of our community and its youth go unabated. Each week another request from someone or some organization wanting to know if the Optimist of Gettysburg can help out with their worthy project presents itself. Surely it can be said that successfully filling a need, produces more needs to be filled.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has always achieved it objectives because of the dedication and efforts of an active and interested general membership and member leaders. As we move forward into a new Optimist year we ask you to consider your level of commitment to serving the needs of our community through Optimism. Opportunities include, club officer and board positions as well as project chair positions and co-chair positions. Please consider reserving a prominent place in your busy life this coming year to help continue the proud tradition of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
You are invited to contact Mark Cropp, [email protected], or Craig Sweet, [email protected], to volunteer your desire to “step up” and set an example for others to follow through your leadership.
Setting the Example Through Leadership
UncategorizedAs we enter the fourth and final quarter of this Optimist year we still have much to accomplish as “Friends of Youth” in Gettysburg. Although the list of things to do is getting shorter, each remaining challenge is certainly no less important to our club, our members and the community.
Since 1958, The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has served the needs of our youth with energy, generosity and commitment to the principles of Optimism. We have made a difference in thousands of young lives throughout the years and we have been successful in instilling the principles of optimism, personal growth and community service in the hearts and minds of the youth we have served and mentored.
Today our organization and other service organizations are confronted with the realities of a challenging economy, social change and increased personal demands on volunteer’s time. As we all struggle to balance the many changes and challenges in our personal lives, the needs of our community and its youth go unabated. Each week another request from someone or some organization wanting to know if the Optimist of Gettysburg can help out with their worthy project presents itself. Surely it can be said that successfully filling a need, produces more needs to be filled.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has always achieved it objectives because of the dedication and efforts of an active and interested general membership and member leaders. As we move forward into a new Optimist year we ask you to consider your level of commitment to serving the needs of our community through Optimism. Opportunities include, club officer and board positions as well as project chair positions and co-chair positions. Please consider reserving a prominent place in your busy life this coming year to help continue the proud tradition of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
You are invited to contact Mark Cropp, [email protected], or Craig Sweet, [email protected], to volunteer your desire to “step up” and set an example for others to follow through your leadership.
The Gettysburg Optimist Club GADS Scholarship Presented
UncategorizedTyler Harte and Norma Jean Redman, Gettysburg High School seniors, were recently presented the 2012 Optimist Club of Gettysburg, Dollars for Scholars Scholarship. The students were presented with their award by Optimist Club member and Dollars for Scholars Board President, Matt Sheads. The Dollars for Scholars program is one of 19 youth related programs that is supported by funds raised by the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
Gettysburg Area Dollars for Scholars (GADS) recently awarded 66 scholarships and awards totaling $60,000 to graduating high school seniors residing in the Gettysburg Area School District. In the eight years since its inception, Dollars for Scholars has given in excess of $361,000 in scholarship money to local students continuing their education.
All recipients of the Dollars for Scholars Scholarships can be reviewed in the “Faces” section of the Saturday, June 16, 2012 issue of the Gettysburg Times.
Gettysburg Rec Park Optimist Amphitheater Painted by the crew of the USS Eisenhower
UncategorizedOn June 6, 2012, the crew of the USS Eisenhower was in Gettysburg. As a service project to the community, they painted the Rec Park Optimist Amphitheater. We extend a big thank you for all of their hard work. It looks great!
A Hot Summer of Optimism in Gettysburg
UncategorizedIt will be upon us all very soon. The time for family vacations, fireworks, swimming, beach going, barbecues, festivals, grille-outs and all things outdoors. Summer will be making it’s annual debut on June 20th and the Gettysburg “Friends of Youth” will embark upon a Hot Summer of Optimism in Gettysburg. Knowing no season, members will continue to gather to conduct their business, celebrate the nations birthday and share some optimistic moments with their families and friends. Here are the Gettysburg Optimist Club events currently scheduled for the coming season:
As you can see, Optimists serving the youth of Gettysburg knows no barrier of time or season. There is plenty of opportunity to come together, between the annual summer vacations, holiday and busy schedules, to join with your fellow friends, family and members for a Hot Summer of Optimism in Gettysburg.
Wrapping Up A Busy Month of Optimism
UncategorizedMay 2012 was a very busy and important month for the Optimist Club of Gettysburg. Two of the most important fund raising projects of the Optimist year occurred during the last two weeks of the month. The Blue Gray Youth Soccer Parking Project and the Second Annual Gettysburg Optimist Golf Tournament commanded the clubs attention and produced very positive results. A large turnout of members and supporters were on hand to make sure that our contributions to 19 youth related programs were met for 2012 and beyond. A special “Thank You” to Don Davis, Soccer Parking Chairman, and Chairman Don Ferrara, Second Annual Gettysburg Golf Tournament for their extra, hard work and leadership.
It never seems to fail that no matter how busy Optimist members are, they come together for the youth of Gettysburg. I thank all members for contributing their time and talents to make both events a BIG success and also extend my sincere appreciation to hundreds of participants and supporters who sponsored and attended both events. The Gettysburg Optimist Club could not do what they do without their enthusiastic participation.
More than 300 photos of the Golf Tournament have been posted to the clubs website at for members and supporters to review and download. Already more than 19 unique visitors have been driven to the site and accessed the photos. It is very rewarding to know that our efforts have such a fine following.
Junction Creative Solutions has written a Blog post and national press release concerning the Optimist Clubs efforts at the Second Annual Golf Tournament. That posting is available at
The club continues their service in June with this months first regular membership meeting on Wednesday, June 6. The meeting will get underway at 6:30 pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Brent Smith and Joe MacDowell are the Food Committee for this meeting. I welcome all members and those interested in learning more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg to come by for a visit.
A Beautiful Day for a Golf Tournament
UncategorizedWhat a beautiful day in Gettysburg! The sun is shining so why not get out on the golf course in support of local youth organizations?
The tournament begins today, May 31 with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. Members will be arriving early in preperation for the registration at 11:00 am. Wine and cider are being provided by Hauser Winery and Bigerstaff’s Catering will be serving the golfers dinner starting at 7:00 pm.
See you on the green!
For more information, visit
Soccer Tournament & Optimist Club Team Up for Youth
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg and the Blue Gray Soccer Tournament are joining together on May 26 and 27 in Gettysburg to support young soccer enthusiast from several mid-Atlantic states. More than 2000 young soccer players from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia and New York, will converge upon Gettysburg this weekend for the first of two youth soccer tournaments this year in Gettysburg. Traditionally the tournaments occur on the weekends prior to Memorial Day and Labor Day each year.
Some of the more than 40 members of the Gettysburg Optimist Club will operate two parking venues adjacent to the soccer fields at Gettysburg College and James Gettys Elementary School on Biglerville Road. Don Davis, Optimist Club Soccer Parking Chairman, leads the local “Friends of Youth” in parking the more than 1000 cars that will bring the kids and their parents to the playing fields. “These two tournaments represent a significant portion of the more than $40,000.00 that the Optimist Club raises to support the 19 youth related programs in Gettysburg each year”, says Mark Cropp, Gettysburg Optimist Club President.
The parking areas are conveniently located next to the fields of play and afford parents the opportunity to park safely and conveniently. Many parents have several youngsters participating in the tournament, often at different locations around Gettysburg. One price permits them to park at either lot and come and go as their needs require throughout the day.
Both lots, located at the Adams County Historic Society property on Biglerville Road and the Gettysburg Construction Company building, will open at 7:00 am and continue to operate until 4:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. The daily parking fee for use of both lots each day is $10.00 per car.
One Week to Tee Up Time!
UncategorizedJust one week remains until it is time to tee up your golf ball for the Second Annual Gettysburg Optimist Golf Tournament at the Links of Gettysburg. Don Ferrara ([email protected]), project chairman, and Daryl Aurand ([email protected]), Board Commitee Facilitator, are leading the charge to the tee-off and putting the final touches on the plans for this years event.
While the field of participants is filling up fast, a number of opportunities to play still remain available to interested golfers. Members who have not yet registered their foursomes should do so by Friday, May 25. We encourage all club members to participate in this fund raising event. “This golf tournament is an important part of the Gettysburg Optimist fund raising program and it contributes signifcantly to the 19 youth related programs the club supports financially throughout the year.” says Mark Cropp ([email protected]), Optimist Club President. “If you have ever had a child or young family member in the Gettysburg area over the past 54 year’s than you and your family have benefited from an Optimist “Friend of Youth” program, he added.
The tournament begins on Thursday, May 31 with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. Members will be arriving early in preperation for the registration at 11:00 am. Wine and cider are being provided by Hauser Winery and Stacy Green, Bigerstaff’s Catering, will be serving the golfers dinner starting at 7:00 pm.
Information concerning the tournament, open tee times and sponsorships is available from Don, Daryl, Mark or from the Optimist Club website at
So, dust off those clubs and drive one long in support of the Optimist Youth of Gettysburg!