Gettysburg Optimist Club Meeting November 3 20021
The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, November 3,2021,at Dunlap’s Restaurant. President Gary Rappoldt opened the meeting with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a social time from 6:00-6:30. The Business session was called to order by Gary after dinner at 6:30.
Business Session
President Rappoldt moved that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved. This was done.
Treasurer’s Report: Randy Smith reported on funds. Randy also proposed contributing funds to certain specific organizations. This was approved. Also $ was approved for the Gettysburg Fire Company.
Joe Macdowell reported final information regarding the Giving Spree.
Wine Festival- Was a successful fundraiser. Great job Brian Skidmore and all who participated.
Oyster Feed 3/12 Wayne Hill reported that there will be an increase in ticket prices.
Holiday Party – Guest tickets will be $10. Dan Mattern will be Santa.
Basketball Chris Bender/Marci Cropp Signups will be December 11, 9-11, Lincoln Elementary.
Member Discussion
A location is needed for our next meeting in January. Various ideas and suggestions were discussed .
Gary mentioned that the annual STARS event will be held in April.
Doug Miller is working on a program for the Respect for Law Program.
11/5/2021 Giving Spree
12/7/2021 Holiday Party RSVP Stacy
December 16 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
1/8/2022 Optimist Basketball and all Saturdays thru January and February
3/12/2022 Oyster and Shrimp Feed
5/19/2022 Golf Tournament
Next Meeting 12/7/21 Holiday Party
President Gary ended the meeting at 8:10pm with a recitation of the Optimist Pledge.
Optimistically submitted, Fred Darling
Basketball Sign Up December 11th, 9 AM – 11 AM at Lincoln Elementary Cafeteria
UncategorizedIt’s that time of year everyone starts thinking about Basketball! The Gettysburg Optimist Club included. Our members are happy to announce the tradition will continue in 2022! Registration is OPEN online. Youth in grades K-6 are welcome to participate in this free basketball program. Sessions begin January 8th at the Lincoln Elementary School Gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February. Children can be registered by one of the following:
1) Fill out the Sign Up form online (One child per form submittal please)
2) Complete a printed registration form and mail it to PO Box 3035 Gettysburg, PA 17325.
3) Attend a sign up session on December 11th from 9-11 AM in the Lincoln Elementary Cafeteria Lobby. Bring a copy of the printed registration along or paper and electronic sign up will be provided.
Sessions begin January 8, 2022, in the Lincoln Elementary Gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February!
Spread the word to make this another great basketball season!
2022 Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Program Announcement
UncategorizedIt’s that time of year everyone starts thinking about Basketball! The Gettysburg Optimist Club included. Our members are happy to announce the tradition will continue in 2022! Registration is OPEN online. Youth in grades K-6 are welcome to participate in this free basketball program. Sessions begin January 8th at the Lincoln Elementary School Gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February. Children can be registered by one of the following:
1) Fill out the Sign Up form online (One child per form submittal please)
2) Complete a printed registration form and mail it to PO Box 3035 Gettysburg, PA 17325.
3) Attend a sign up session on December 11th from 9-11 AM in the Lincoln Elementary Cafeteria Lobby. Bring a copy of the printed registration along or paper and electronic sign up will be provided.
Sessions begin January 8, 2022, in the Lincoln Elementary Gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February!
Spread the word to make this another great basketball season!
Gettysburg Optimist Club Meeting November 3 20021
UncategorizedGettysburg Optimist Club Meeting November 3 20021
The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, November 3,2021,at Dunlap’s Restaurant. President Gary Rappoldt opened the meeting with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a social time from 6:00-6:30. The Business session was called to order by Gary after dinner at 6:30.
Business Session
President Rappoldt moved that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved. This was done.
Treasurer’s Report: Randy Smith reported on funds. Randy also proposed contributing funds to certain specific organizations. This was approved. Also $ was approved for the Gettysburg Fire Company.
Joe Macdowell reported final information regarding the Giving Spree.
Wine Festival- Was a successful fundraiser. Great job Brian Skidmore and all who participated.
Oyster Feed 3/12 Wayne Hill reported that there will be an increase in ticket prices.
Holiday Party – Guest tickets will be $10. Dan Mattern will be Santa.
Basketball Chris Bender/Marci Cropp Signups will be December 11, 9-11, Lincoln Elementary.
Member Discussion
A location is needed for our next meeting in January. Various ideas and suggestions were discussed .
Gary mentioned that the annual STARS event will be held in April.
Doug Miller is working on a program for the Respect for Law Program.
11/5/2021 Giving Spree
12/7/2021 Holiday Party RSVP Stacy
December 16 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
1/8/2022 Optimist Basketball and all Saturdays thru January and February
3/12/2022 Oyster and Shrimp Feed
5/19/2022 Golf Tournament
Next Meeting 12/7/21 Holiday Party
President Gary ended the meeting at 8:10pm with a recitation of the Optimist Pledge.
Optimistically submitted, Fred Darling
There’s Still Time! Only a Few Hours Remaining!
UncategorizedThere’s still time.
Adams County Giving Spree.
Won’t you partner with us to support the youth of our community?
Donate Now
#givingspree #67
UncategorizedReminder – Tomorrow is the day! November 5, 2021 is the day to donate, so make sure you don’t miss it! Giving Spree #67!
Constantly Adapting to Better Our Community
UncategorizedAdaptability is vital in helping you to grow in new circumstances. Our local club has adapted to the challenges presented during the pandemic. The organization is continuing to adapt to the ever changing climate, and we hope that our willful spirit and perseverance will shine through and continue to motivate us to move forward. We are committed to continuing to support the youth of our community during this difficult time and for years to come. Won’t you join us? Contact Us Today! #adamscountygivingspree #november5
Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedGood Day Gettysburg Optimists,
Our club has a busy week ahead of us so mark your calendars:
Optimistically, Daryl Aurand/Secretary
Mission, Vision, Purpose
UncategorizedMission, Vision and Purpose.
Mission: By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.
Vision: Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.
Purposes: To develop optimism as a philosophy of life utilizing the tenets of the Optimist Creed; to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs, to inspire respect for the law, to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people, to aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life and the world.
With our mission, vision, and purpose we strive to continuously better our community for the youth. Join us on our mission by donating to us on November 5th for the Giving Spree.
UncategorizedIn addition to Youth Basketball, RIF, and academic programs, our Optimist Club also supports the Gettysburg Community Theatre, Holiday Family Outreach, Gettysburg Area High School Orchestra, Environmental Education, Optimist Olympics, Dollars for Scholars, Adams County Business Education Partnership, Respect for Law, Gettysburg Holiday Parades, Little League, and the Optimist Foundation. By supporting our local, community based club in the Adams County Giving Spree, you support countless local organizations that strive to bring out the best in kids. Join us in our mission by donating to us through the Giving Spree on November 5!
What is RIF?
UncategorizedRIF, or Reading Is Fundamental, is the largest children’s literacy nonprofit in the United States. Through our partnership, we prepare and motivate youth to read by delivering free books and literacy resources to the children and families who need them most. We strive for children to be lifelong readers through the power of choice. We are extremely happy to aid and support RIF in their mission. The seeds of inspiration in these books have motivated children to follow their dreams and achieve their potential.