Reminder: The Final 2022 Optimist Basketball session will be held this Saturday, February 26, 2022. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

Thank you to all of the participants. It has been a wonderful 2022 Season!

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 6:00 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center. We had 12 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our second meeting in 2022 and our first in person meeting. We were treated to a delicious pasta dinner prepared by Gary, Marci, and Mark.

Business Meeting: 

  1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
  2. Treasure’s report: Approved.
    Randy reported our 2022 dues are rolling in and this revenue is deposited in the General Account.
  1. President’s Report:

Old Business

  1. Basketball Committee (Chairs Chris Bender & Brian Skidmore)
    • Daryl reported on the Optimist Basketball with 180 girls and boys
    • Postponed January dates due to the ramped up covid issues. Resuming February 5,12,19, and 26. We encourage membership to stop by Lincoln Elementary between 9AM to 12PM to witness our successful basketball program.
  2. Golf Committee (Chair Steve Burton)
    • Daryl reported on our tournament plans scheduled for May 19 and the addition of a golf ball drop from a helicopter to add some excitement and additional revenue to the tournament. More information will be following, stay tuned.
  3. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
    • We will be recognizing two individuals on February 23, 9AM at the Old Court House in Gettysburg. Our awards will be presented at the beginning of the Adams County Government Monthly Meeting. Doug will be presenting the awards and all members are invited.
  4. Oyster & Shrimp Feed Committee (Chairs Wayne Hill & Stacey Schlosser)
    • Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser cancelled (3/13/2022)
  5. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking Committee (Brian Skidmore)
    • 9/10 & 11/2022 Wine Festival Parking
    • No report at this time.
  6. Giving Spree (Chairs Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)
    • Thank you notes were shared
  7. RIF & Environmental Ed Update (Chair Lyne Aurand)

New Business

  1. Winter meeting for March 2 location will be Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg, PA. President Gary and Marci have agreed to prepare another meal fit for Gettysburg Optimists. We will offer a Zoom option for this meeting if anyone is interested. You will want to mark this date on your calendar.
  2. Mark Cropp discussed Face of America, FOA and encouraged Optimist members to help and support.  The dates are April 22, 23,24, 2022 Contact Mark for ways to help. This is a great event that our community has been part of for many years.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 3/3/2022 Optimist Meeting, location Deatrick Village Community Center 6PM, Zoom would start after dinner.
  • 2/4/2022 STARS ceremony 7:30AM GASD senior high cafeteria postponed till April
  • 2/12,19,20/2022 Optimist Basketball
  • 2/19/2022 Optimist Zone meeting held virtual
  • 2/23/2022 Optimist Meeting “Respect for Law” at the “Old Court House” 9AM
  • 3/13/2022 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser cancelled
  • 5/19/2022 Golf Tournament
  • 9/10 & 11/2022 Wine Festival Parking

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Reminder: The Optimist Basketball season begins this Saturday, February 12, 2022. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link.  Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.

Reminder: The Optimist Basketball season begins this Saturday, February 5, 2022. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link.  Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.

January 29 Update:

Beginning Saturday, February 5th the Gettysburg Optimist Club will be holding its annual basketball program at Lincoln Elementary Gym.

  • Boys K-3     9 am – 10 am
  • Girls K-3     10 am – 11 am
  • Coed 4-6    11 am – 12 pm

Dates are as scheduled:  February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th

Hour sessions will be drills and small games teaching basketball skills. Thank you to the individuals who have submitted volunteer forms, your services will be greatly appreciated.

Its OK if you are not able to make all of the sessions.

Mask are recommended but optional.

We strongly advise you keep your child home if sick.

Thank you for your participation in this program and we are looking forward to having a fun basketball season.

Any questions feel free to reply to this email.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at 6:30 PM by Zoom. We had 11 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our first meeting in 2022 even though Zoom was not the plan. Due to our current community covid status the officers and board of directors felt this was the prudent alternative.


Business Meeting:

  1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
  2. Treasure’s report: Approved
  3. Randy Smith recommended annual dues assessment.
  4. Joe Mac Dowell and Fred Darling were recognized for a great job with the Giving Spree with an increase of 112%. Kudos to Joe and Fred for their time and efforts.
  5. Chris and Brian reported on Optimist Basketball and postponing our January dates due to the ramped up covid issues. We are hoping to resume February 5 and we will keep the club posted by email and our website.
  6. Doug asked about our liability exposure and insurance limits. Daryl offered to contact our OI insurance carrier and procure the policy for our records and availability for review.
  7. Steve Burton golf committee chairman reported on our tournament plans and the addition of a golf ball drop from a helicopter to add some excitement to the tournament along with a 50/50 opportunity. More information will be following, stay tuned.
  8. Winter meeting locations were discussed, and our February 2 location will be Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg, PA. President Gary and Marci are treating us to an Italian cuisine, you will want to mark this date on your calendar.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 2/2/2022 Optimist Meeting, location Deatrick Village Community Center 6PM
  • 2/4/2022 STARS ceremony 7:30AM GASD senior high cafeteria
  • 2/19/2022 Optimist Zone meeting
  • 3/2/2022 Optimist Meeting “Respect for Law”
  • 3/13/2022 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser cancelled for 2022
  • 5/19/2022 Golf Tournament

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

At this time the Optimist Club would like to inform all the participants and families signed up for the 2022 Optimist Basketball Program that, due to increased covid cases in the area, we will be postponing the start of the basketball program until February 5th.  ALL JANUARY WEEKEND SESSIONS ARE CANCELED.  We feel that it is in the best health and safety interest to delay the start.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  The Optimist Basketball Committee will reassess the Covid situation in the next few weeks and notify all participants by the last week in January.

”We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – Edith Lovejoy Pierce

1/5/2022 Meeting @ Dunlap’s Restaurant 6PM social, 6:30PM dinner

Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays from our Families to yours!