July 27, 2021 For Immediate Release:
Bring out the best in kids! Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Summer Clinic
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has sponsored a community youth basketball program since 1965 teaching fun and fundamentals of basketball to children in grades K through 6. Traditionally, the program is conducted on Saturday mornings for eight weeks. The rules are simple; all children play, focus is on the fundamentals of the game, no score keeping, and all participants have fun and share an experience that forms life-long memories.
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, the 2021 Winter Optimist Youth Basketball Program was not offered. The Optimist Club is proud to announce this year’s Summer Basketball Clinic where the rules will be followed for a fun filled afternoon. With the help of the Gettysburg Area School District’s Girls and Boys basketball coaches, Jeff Bair and Marc McLean, and players, the Gettysburg Optimist Club is offering a free basketball clinic at Gettysburg Area Recreation Association Park on Sunday, August 29, 2021.
Registration is on-line now through August 28 and onsite at the Rec Park Firemen’s pavilion from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM the day of the event.
Children can pre-register by completing the online form or by printing the paperwork from the Gettysburg Optimist website https://gettysburgoptimist.com/gettysburg-news/2021-basketball-clinic/. Email registration to [email protected] or mail to
Gettysburg Optimist Club
c/o Basketball Committee
PO BOX 3035
Gettysburg, PA 17325
The 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM clinic schedule will begin with a demonstration session led by the Gettysburg Area School District basketball girl’s and boy’s coaches and players. The next session will be a circuit training for youth attending in grades K through 6. If time allows, there may be youth basketball games. The players will be divided into groups of girls and boys separately; Grades K-3 and grades 4-6.
Refreshments will be provided for volunteers and participants at the conclusion of the clinic.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program is one of the many youth-oriented programs conducted and funded by the local Optimist Club each year. Club members, parents and community volunteers act as leaders, monitors, coaches, and mentors. Many of them were once young participants in earlier programs and are now coaching and mentoring their children and grandchildren. Since its inception more than 5000 area children have participated in the annual basketball events.
We look forward to spending the afternoon with you on Sunday, August 29, 2021 from 12:30 PM to 3 PM.
About the Gettysburg Optimist Club
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 and continues to be dedicated to providing young people with positive activities and learning opportunities. Club members are men and women who come from all walks of life and who are united in an effort, “To Bring out the Best in Kids!” To learn more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and their many programs, activities and a membership opportunity, visit https://gettysburgoptimist.com/, visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OptimistClubofGettysburg?ref=hl or call 717-220-3416.
Optimist Hoops Paper Registration Form
Optimist Hoops Online Form
Basketball Clinic Reminder
Uncategorized1 week from today, the Optimist Club of Gettysburg is hosting a basketball clinic for K-6 graders.
Register today for this free event!
Meeting August 4, 2021 Minutes
UncategorizedGettysburg Optimist Club Zone 7 Meeting Minutes
August 4 2021
The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday August 4,2021 at the Pavilion. This was the annual Zone 7 meeting. Twenty-six members were present.
President Brian Skidmore opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by an outstanding dinner provided by Biggerstaff Catering and Stacy Green.
Business Session: After dinner, President Brian welcomed the representatives from the various Zone 7 Optimist Clubs. He then introduced Sue Grimm from the Lancaster Club. Sue thanked the Gettysburg Club for hosting the Zone meeting. She then discussed some items from the Annual Convention. She followed this by discussing the various programs and projects being done by the clubs. She also conducted a sharing session in which each club representative described what is happening in their particular area. This included present and future activities.
Future events September 11=12 Wine Festival
President Brian ended the meeting at 7:50 with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Optimistically submitted, Fred Darling
2021 Youth Basketball Summer Clinic Announcement
UncategorizedJuly 27, 2021 For Immediate Release:
Bring out the best in kids! Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Summer Clinic
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has sponsored a community youth basketball program since 1965 teaching fun and fundamentals of basketball to children in grades K through 6. Traditionally, the program is conducted on Saturday mornings for eight weeks. The rules are simple; all children play, focus is on the fundamentals of the game, no score keeping, and all participants have fun and share an experience that forms life-long memories.
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, the 2021 Winter Optimist Youth Basketball Program was not offered. The Optimist Club is proud to announce this year’s Summer Basketball Clinic where the rules will be followed for a fun filled afternoon. With the help of the Gettysburg Area School District’s Girls and Boys basketball coaches, Jeff Bair and Marc McLean, and players, the Gettysburg Optimist Club is offering a free basketball clinic at Gettysburg Area Recreation Association Park on Sunday, August 29, 2021.
Registration is on-line now through August 28 and onsite at the Rec Park Firemen’s pavilion from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM the day of the event.
Children can pre-register by completing the online form or by printing the paperwork from the Gettysburg Optimist website https://gettysburgoptimist.com/gettysburg-news/2021-basketball-clinic/. Email registration to [email protected] or mail to
Gettysburg Optimist Club
c/o Basketball Committee
PO BOX 3035
Gettysburg, PA 17325
The 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM clinic schedule will begin with a demonstration session led by the Gettysburg Area School District basketball girl’s and boy’s coaches and players. The next session will be a circuit training for youth attending in grades K through 6. If time allows, there may be youth basketball games. The players will be divided into groups of girls and boys separately; Grades K-3 and grades 4-6.
Refreshments will be provided for volunteers and participants at the conclusion of the clinic.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program is one of the many youth-oriented programs conducted and funded by the local Optimist Club each year. Club members, parents and community volunteers act as leaders, monitors, coaches, and mentors. Many of them were once young participants in earlier programs and are now coaching and mentoring their children and grandchildren. Since its inception more than 5000 area children have participated in the annual basketball events.
We look forward to spending the afternoon with you on Sunday, August 29, 2021 from 12:30 PM to 3 PM.
About the Gettysburg Optimist Club
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 and continues to be dedicated to providing young people with positive activities and learning opportunities. Club members are men and women who come from all walks of life and who are united in an effort, “To Bring out the Best in Kids!” To learn more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and their many programs, activities and a membership opportunity, visit https://gettysburgoptimist.com/, visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OptimistClubofGettysburg?ref=hl or call 717-220-3416.
Optimist Hoops Paper Registration Form
Optimist Hoops Online Form
Meeting August 4, 2021
UncategorizedOur next meeting is Wednesday August 4, 6PM social and 6:30 dinner. We will be at the Lake Heritage pavilion. We are the host club for the 4th quarter zone meeting.
Please RSVP Stacey no later than this Friday July 30.
RSVP Stacey Schlosser
Future dates to mark on your calendar:
Optimistically, Daryl
Meeting Minutes June 2,2021
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, June 2,2021, at the Lake Heritage pavilion. Fourteen members were present.
President Brian Skidmore called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and opened with an invocation. This was followed by an excellent dinner provided by Stacey Green and Biggerstaff Catering.
After dinner President Skidmore opened the business session of the meeting:
Treasurer’s Report Tom Barako reported on the financial status of the club.
Activities $12084 General $4641
Tom also reported that a few donations were given since the last meeting
He also reported that the club made $5866 from the Golf Outing
Finally he reported that the club is doing well financially with expenses being low.
Speaker Joe Macdowell shared a story about a buoy that is displayed in his den. It had to do with his lifelong love of boating and buying a large boat when he retired. The boat was eventually donated to the St. Michael’s Museum.
President’s Report The next meeting will be at Wayne and Sue’s on July 14. Food will be assigned alphabetically.
August 4 Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage
August 24 Basketball Clinic 12-3. There will be a sign-up sheet for this.
September 11 and 12 Wine and Music Festival, club will be doing parking
November 5 Giving Spree
March 26 Oyster Feed
Brian reported that the club is in need of officers for next year. We need President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
It is possible that the meeting structure of the club may be changed. Under consideration is having one formal meeting per month and one social meeting per month. This will be discussed at the next meeting and a survey will be sent to the membership.
Member comments.
Randy Smith commented about club checks being cosigned.
Tom Barako mentioned that next year at the Golf Outing golf balls may be dropped from a helicopter. The balls will be labeled and redeemed for a prize.
President Skidmore closed the meeting at 7:45pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Optimistically Submitted, Fred Darling
Meeting Minutes April 7, 2021
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM by Zoom. All members participated and we had discussion regarding what we are up to personally and offered an appreciation to at least being able to meet virtually knowing we all are looking forward to the day we can meet in person.
This makes our fourth virtual Gettysburg Optimist Club membership meeting in 2021.
Business Meeting:
Old Business:
New Business:
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Meeting Information for March 3, 2021
UncategorizedPlease find the call in below for tonight’s meeting, March 3, 2021 at 7pm.
To avoid the circus we experienced last meeting (Ecuador anyone?), There is a new call in with a new password and waiting room feature. So upon entry you will need to provide the new password, be placed in a waiting room and approved to join the meeting.
Gettysburg Optimist is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Optimist General Membership Meeting
Time: Mar 3, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 369 660 4694
Passcode: email [email protected] for passcode.
Looking forward to chatting with everyone this evening!
Meeting Minutes February 3, 2021
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM by Zoom. We had 15 members in attendance via Zoom. All members participated and we had discussion regarding what we are up to personally and offered an appreciation to at least being able to meet virtually knowing we all are looking forward to the day we can meet in person.
This makes our second virtual Gettysburg Optimist Club membership meeting in 2021.
Business Meeting:
General Account: $2,889.63
Activities Account: $6,242.34
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
February 3, 2021 General Membership Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedTopic: Optimist General Membership Meeting
Time: February 3, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 369 660 4694
By Computer Passcode: Hello
By Phone Passcode: 010932
We look forward to seeing everyone!!!
2021 Oyster Feed Announcement
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimist Club Members and supporters,
After much consideration and debate on Jan. 18th, the Board of Directors decided to cancel this years Oyster Feed. An in person meal is not be feasible at this time and a take out meal has too many unique challenges for the club to pursue now, with the limited time to plan the event. A fundraiser meal was proposed for sometime later this summer which we will discuss further at the February 3rd Zoom meeting.
The Board of Directors ask that members communicate this message to those who regularly attend the Oyster Feed. Remind them that we plan to resume the event in March of next year.
Optimistically, Brian