A huge “Thank You” to our generous sponsors, players and donors.  The Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament is Sold Out.  For those that are registered, we look forward to seeing you at The Links At Gettysburg on May 18, 2023 for a fabulous golf event!


The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 6 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 16 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our meeting. Randy provided a buffet of fried chicken with all the dinner condiments. Sam provided an apple crisp for dessert. I even saw some people going back for 2nds, we won’t mention names.


Business Meeting:

1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
2.Treasure’s report: Reported and Approved
3. President’s Report:

  1. Our place for the next meeting was discussed and agreed we would have our meeting at Savorhood on Wednesday June 7. For members who have not experienced Savorhood you are in for a treat.
  2. It is time for officer nominations. Contact Gary if you have an interest or can think of someone who would make a good officer.
  3. We will not have our 3rd Wednesday social due to the golf tournament.

Old Business

4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Chris Bender & Brian Skidmore)

5. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)

6. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Chair Brian Skidmore)

  1. 9/9 & 10
  2. Work in progress with details to be worked out.

7.  Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)

8. RIF & Environmental Ed (Chair Lyne Aurand)

  • Reading is Fundamental held at our April 5 meeting

9. Youth Golf Outing (Chair Walt Jones, Randy Smith & Gary Rappoldt)

  • The membership voted to not host a “Youth Golf Outing” due to serving a small number of participants at this time.

10. Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Dan Mattern)

    1. May 18, 2023
    2. Updated promotion and registration information is available on our website. Everyone is needed to promote sponsorships, foursomes, and make this our best Golf Tournament to date.
    3. If you have any questions call Dan, Tom, Steve, Daryl
    4. All hands-on deck Work on getting sponsors and golfers

11. Brian suggested a meeting in the fall to bring your adult child or friend.

12. Several members voiced their opinion that Activities Account funds be spent only on Activity Expenses. Members should pay for their monthly meals from the General Account. If the meal cost exceeds the allowance, then pay the additional from pocket. The specifics will be presented at the next meeting by the Board of Directors. Approved by general membership vote at our 1-4-2023 meeting: to pay for guests and guest speakers from Activities Account at meetings.

13. Little League Baseball

  • Al reported due to rain the official opening day was postponed but rescheduled and there are 212 little league players including a girls softball team.

14. Adams County Economic Education Foundation

  • Walt reported another success as students from Adams County are recognized for their achievement in the trades.

New Business

  1. Thursday May 18 Optimist Golf Tournament, registration and help to set-up 11:00 AM
  2. Next meeting June 7 @ Savorhood, Gettysburg – Gettysburg Community Theater, speaker Chad Alan-Carr

Upcoming Dates:

  • 6-7 Membership Meeting 6 PM at Savorhood, Gettysburg, (Gettysburg Community Theater)
  • 5-18 Golf Tournament at “The Links at Gettysburg”
  • 6-21 Social evening at Fourscore Brewery on Wednesday June 21, 6PM
  • July picnic date TBD
  • August 4th Quarter Zone Meeting, Gettysburg Hosts

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Respect for Law

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg presented the law enforcement award to Beyer at the commissioners’ meeting. Beyer was recognized for his “distinguished and dedicated service advancing the respect for law objective of Optimist International.”

Learn More

Respect for Law



The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on March 1,2023, at the Deatrick Commons Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President Gary Rappoldt at 6:30 pm. Gary made an invocation followed by a delicious homemade lasagna dinner. This was followed by the Business Session at 7:00 pm.
Business Session
1. Secretary Report. Fred Darling  no report.
2. Treasurer Report Randy Smith.   Approved
3. President’s Report.  Gary reported that there will be a BOD meeting probably on March 15.  Asked members to consider returning to two meetings per month?
4. Respect for Law. Doug said that this program will be March 22 at 9:00 am at the Court House. Detective Honoree has been selected.
5. Golf Outing. Dan Mattern reported that plans are proceeding well. He talked about the new flyer, and if anyone wants copies to see him.  May 18
6. Member Comments
– Gary. Get together with Walt Jones about the Youth Golf Program.
– Brian. Donation Recommendation
– Don. Kudos to the people who work with youngsters in the various sports programs.
– Fred. Dan, Gary, and I attended the STARS program at Gettysburg High School.
7. General Discussion. There was discussion regarding club support of the Little League Team. Support will continue. Also discussion about the sign that was made placed on the Rec Park fence regarding Optimist support. Total cost of everything was approved at $650
8. Dates
– 4/5 Regular Meeting at Deatrick Commons Community Center.
– 5/3 Regular Meeting at Deatrick Commons Community Center
– 5/18 golf tournament
– 6/7 Regular Meeting Officer elections and Budget
– 7/12 Optimist Club Picnic
– 9/9and9/10 Wine and Music Festival Parking
– 10/4 Banquet and Installation
Optimistically submitted,   Fred Darling

Print and Mail Downloadable Registration Form


Links Online Registration with Payment

The Gettysburg Optimist Club helps 7,647 children annually through a minimum of 12 charitable events.  Thru our fundraisers, we have the ability to partner with some fantastic organizations to help in serving our youth and future leaders.

  • 1,162 Holiday Family Outreach
  • 1,745 Reading Is Fundamental
  • 150 Basketball
  • 1 Dollars for Scholars
  • 1,032 Adams County Economic Education
  • 200 Gettysburg Community Theater
  • 250 Ruth’s Harvest
  • 40 Adams County Special Olympics
  • 2,954 Adams County Arts Council
  • 113 Gettysburg High School STARS

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 6 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 1 guest, and 15 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our meeting. Dan Mattern gave the invocation and Biggerstaff Catering provided a barbeque pork dinner enjoyed by all.


Business Meeting:

  • Secretary’s Report: Approved.
  • Treasure’s report: Approved
    • Annual dues for fiscal 2022-2023 will remain at $160 even though OI dues were increased from last year.
  • President’s Report:
    • Guest speaker from Adams County Arts Council — Lisa Cadigan, Executive Director  Lisa spoke about the mission of the ACAC is to cultivate an arts-rich community. She touched on the many activities and projects that are offered by ACAC for our community including art, music, dance, and so many variations comprising arts and cultural activities. ACAC offers many children’s programs and currently serves 454 youth from Adams County and many more, partnering with other organizations like Collaborating for Youth, YWCA, schools, etc.  Lisa’s energy and enthusiasm was obvious and helped us realize the importance of Gettysburg Optimist partnering with ACAC in “bringing out the best in children”.  Photo of check presentation to Adams County Arts Council was taken for the newspaper.

ACAC 2023 Optimist Donation

Old Business

  • Optimist Basketball (Chair Chris Bender & Brian Skidmore) – Brian reported, January went well, and we have February to work with our youth participants. This year’s location is at Gettysburg Area Middle School on Saturday morning’s from 9 am – 12 pm. Brian encouraged membership to stop by as we have a captive audience of parents and an opportunity to invite them to become an Optimist. Discuss announcing Golf Tournament at last Sat and handing out pamphlets.
  • Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller) – The “Respect for Law” award will be on March 8 at the Adams County Court House. The time will be in a future email.
  • Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Chair Brian Skidmore)
    1. 9/9 & 10
    2. Work in progress for parking
  • Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)
  • RIF & Environmental Ed (Chair Lyne Aurand)
    1. Money will be distributed to RIF which is part of the 2022-2023 Budget
    2. Elementary schools responded that RIF will be offered to about 1000 children this school year. A check presentation date needs to be set for the April or May meeting and invitations sent to school RIF contacts.
    3. Environmental Ed has been discontinued per Gettysburg Area School Administration and School Board
  • Youth Golf Outing (Chair Walt Jones, Randy Smith & Gary Rappoldt) – Proposal for a spring youth 9-hole golf tournament/outing approved. Randy, Walt, and Gary agreed to plan this event.
  • Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Dan Mattern)
    1. May 18, 2023
    2. Updated promotion information will be available soon and everyone is needed to promote sponsorships, foursomes, and make this our best Golf Tournament to date.
    3. Revise our Optimist pamphlet to include the numbers of children we provide free services so more community members may become sponsors. These pamphlets can be used when contacting potential sponsors, donors, participants, and members.
  • Brian suggested a bring your adult child or friend to a fall designated meeting.
  • Approved by general membership vote at 1-4-2023 meeting: to pay for guests and guest speakers from Activities Account at meetings.

New Business

  • Next meeting March 1 @ Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg Community Theater, speaker Chad Alan-Carr

Upcoming Dates:

  • 2-4, 2-11, 2-18, 2-25 Opt BB 9 AM—12 PM @ Gettysburg Area Middle School
  • 2-24 STARS Awards Recognition 7:30 AM @ Gettysburg Area High School
  • 3-1 Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 PM before membership meeting
  • 3-1, Membership Meeting 6 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg
  • 3-8, “Respect For Law” Award at Gettysburg Court House, time will be in future email
  • 3-8 Zone Meeting at Elizabethtown
  • 4-5 Membership Meeting 6 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg
  • 5-3 Membership Meeting 6 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg
  • 5-18 Golf Tournament at “The Links at Gettysburg”

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, January 4, 2022, 6:00 PM at Hoss’s Steak and Sea House. We had 2 guests, and 13 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our meeting.

Business Meeting:

  1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
  2. Treasure’s report: Approved
  3. President’s Report:
    1. Guest speakers from Special Olympics Adams County, Athlete – Carole Ann Bollinger and   Volunteer Sherrie Wivel.


Carole Ann spoke to us about her accomplishments in the many sports opportunities available to students and adults with intellectual disabilities working with volunteers and coaches throughout the year. She said they are always looking for volunteers and coaches to help continue this great program.

Volunteer Sherrie Wivel addressed the feeling of accomplishment the athletes and their families experience. The benefits of the Special Olympics extend well beyond the playing field.

When Carole Ann spoke, her enthusiasm and enjoyment from this program was obvious.

Our club showed our support with $500.00 given through the ACF Giving Spree.

Photo of check presentation to Adams County Special Olympics for the newspaper.


Old Business

  1. Optimist Basketball (Chair Chris Bender & Brian Skidmore)
    1. Chris & Brian reported sign-ups are going well. This year’s location is at Gettysburg Area Middle School. The first date is this Saturday 1/7 from 9 am – 12 pm. Chris and Brian are NEED volunteers.
  2. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)


  1. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Chair Brian Skidmore)
    1. 9/9 & 10
    2. Work in progress for a parking fee, details to be worked out.


  1. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)


  1. RIF & Environmental Ed (Chair Lyne Aurand)
    1. Money will be distributed to RIF which is part of the 2022-2023 Budget
    2. Environmental Ed has been discontinued per Gettysburg Area School Administration and School Board
  2. Youth Golf Outing (Chair ??)
    1. Proposal for a spring youth 9-hole golf tournament/outing approved. Randy, Walt, and Gary agreed to plan this event.
  3. Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Dan Mattern)
    1. May 18, 2023
    2. Updated promotion information will be available soon.

New Business

  1. A motion was made by Treasurer Randy and approved by the membership to pay for guests and guest speakers from Activities Account at meetings.


Upcoming Dates:

  • 1/7/, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 Opt BB 9-12 @ Gettysburg Area Middle School
  • 2/1/23 6:00 PM General Membership meeting at Deatrick Community Center
  • 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Opt BB 9-12 @ Gettysburg Area Middle School
  • 2/2023 Zone Meeting


Respectfully Submitted,

Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Optimist Club of Gettysburg

Christmas Holiday Party

December 7, 2022

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. Stacey and her staff had the fire hall decorated in the Christmas Spirit. We had the privilege of being entertained by the Gettysburg High School Orchestra to Holiday music.

Hors d’oeuvres and a fantastic dinner was prepared by Stacey and staff “Biggerstaff Catering”. President Gary Rappoldt welcomed 45 members and guests along with 14 children and 8 Orchestra members. Brent Smith opened our evening with the invocation.

Evening Agenda:

  1. Before dinner Lyne Aurand provided a craft table for all children.
  2. The children, members, and guests were led in singing Christmas carols by Wayne in hopes that if Saint Nicholas was making a practice Christmas run, he might hear us and stop to visit. To our surprise Santa Claus did make a splashing appearance and all the children had the chance to meet with Santa and receive a gift. Once again it was a great night for all.
  3. News Flash – we received $2,850.00 from the Giving Spree “ACCF”. Thank you, Joe and Fred, for all of your work.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 12/15/2022 Salvation Army Bell ringing
  • 1/1/2023 HAPPY NEW YEAR
  • 1/4/2023 Meeting @ Hoss’s Restaurant 6PM social, 6:30PM dinner
  • 1/7/2023 Optimist Basketball begins, GASD Lincoln Elementary, 9-12 see our website for registration information.
  • 1/7/2023 Optimist Basketball Lincoln Elementary 9-12
  • 1/14/2023 Optimist Basketball Lincoln Elementary 9-12
  • 1/21/2023 Optimist Basketball Lincoln Elementary 9-12
  • 1/28/2023
  • 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Opt. Basketball Lincoln Elem. 9-12
  • Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser has been postponed for 2023
  • Our May 2023 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg is on.

Happy Holidays, Daryl Aurand / Secretary

Images available on Facebook

Gettysburg Optimist Basketball: “Bringing out the best in kids!” for over 55 years.

It began way back in 1965 when the Optimist Club of Gettysburg sponsored the first Optimist Youth Basketball program for youngsters from the Gettysburg area.  It sought to teach the fun and fundamentals of basketball to youngsters in grades K through 6, regardless of their individual skill level. At the start the program rules were very simple, though some thought them to be revolutionary. All kids played, all focused on the fundamentals of the game, no score keeping, and all participants were required to have fun.

Over 55 years later the Optimist Youth Basketball Program continues to observe the same set of rules and still reaches out to the youth of the community who want to learn the game of basketball, have fun and share an experience that forms life-long memories. The program is conducted Saturday mornings over eight weeks of winter. Currently each one-hour session is held at the Gettysburg Area Middle School or Lincoln Elementary every Saturday in the months of January and February. The players are divided into grades K-1 and grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. All participants are encouraged to attend, even if they cannot commit to attending all the weekly sessions. Each boy and girl receive a free basketball tee-shirt as a memento of their experience.

This year’s registration will be held December 10th from 10-12pm in the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria. Sessions begin January 7, 2023, in the Gettysburg Middle School Gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February. The schedule is as follows; Grade K-1 9-10 am, Grade 2-3 10-11am, Grade 4-6 11-12pm. Children can be registered by attending a sign-up session, completing an online form at gettysburgoptimist.com or by printing the paperwork from our website and mailing the registration to PO BOX 3035 Gettysburg, PA 17325.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program is one of the many youth-oriented programs conducted and funded by the local Optimist Club each year. Club members, parents and community volunteers act as leaders, monitors, coaches and mentors.  Many of them were once young participants in earlier programs and are now coaching and mentoring their children and grandchildren. Since its inception more than 5000 area young people have participated in the annual basketball outings.



 About the Gettysburg Optimist Club

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 and continues to be dedicated to providing young people with positive activities and learning opportunities. Club members are men and women who come from all walks of life and who are united in an effort, “To Bring out the Best in Kids!”To learn more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and their many programs, activities and a membership opportunity, visit http://www.gettysburgoptimist.com/, visit us on Facebook or call 717-220-3416.

Optimist Hoops Registration Form

Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Schedule 2023

Saturday, January 7
Saturday, January 14
Saturday, January 21 – Photo Day  (tentative)
Saturday, January 28 – Make Up Photo Day (tentative)
Saturday, February 4
Saturday, February 11
Saturday, February 18
Saturday, February 25

Are you Interested in Coaching or Volunteering? We’d love to have you join us.  Please start by filling out the following form and apply for the required clearances.  We “Thank You” as we couldn’t offer this program without the many gracious and generous volunteers.  Optimist Club of Gettysburg Volunteer Waiver