Optimist Club of Gettysburg
Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2022
Bring Out the Best in Kids
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 6:00 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center. We had 12 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our fifth meeting in 2022. We had a lasagna dinner prepared by Daryl and assisted by Mark Cropp.
Business Meeting:
- Secretary’s Report: Approved.
- Treasure’s report: Approved
- President’s Report:
- Third quarter Zone meeting is 5/17 in York. Contact Gary if you want to attend.
- Face of America, FOA was a good experience on April 24. I had a lot of fun. This is a great event that our community has been part of for many years. I would like to see the Optimist members get out and support in the future.
Old Business
4. Basketball Committee (Chairs Chris Bender & Brian Skidmore)
- Brian reported that at our June 1st meeting we will be recognizing all Optimist basketball coaches.
5. Golf Committee (Chair Steve Burton)
a. ALL HANDS-ON DECK, sign up sheet for volunteers will be circulated.
b. Tom and Dan reported our date of May 19 is set and our promotion information and registration link is on The Links at Gettysburg website. We are asking members to be proactive in helping promote as well as reserving this day to help.
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
a. Event held 2/23/2022
b. No report
7. Oyster & Shrimp Feed Committee (Chairs Wayne Hill & Stacey Schlosser)
- Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser canceled (3/13/2022)
8.Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking Committee (Brian Skidmore)
- 9/10 & 11/2022 Wine Festival Parking
- No report at this time.
9. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chairs Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)
- 11/3 ACCFGivingSpree.org
- No report.
10. RIF & Environmental Ed (Chair Lyne Aurand)
- Money will be distributed in the Spring of 2023 after Wine Festival parking fundraiser.
- The amount in budget may be adjusted based on fundraising
New Business
11. 5/18/22 Dollars for Scholars recipient Caroline Roy, meet via Zoom, 6PM on both the district Facebook and Youtube accounts, where you see a thank you from Caroline.
12. Meeting for June 1st location will be Lake Heritage Pavilion, Gettysburg, PA. Mark, Randy, and Gary have agreed to prepare a steak dinner. We will not offer a Zoom option for this meeting due to no Wifi availability. We will be recognizing volunteer “Optimist Basketball Coaches” at this meeting. You will want to mark this date on your calendar.
13. Summer meetings will be held at Lake Heritage pavilion. (6/1, 8/3, 9/7) Our July picnic location will be held at Wayne and Sue’s.
14. August 19-20 at Wyndham, Gettysburg is the Fourth Quarter Zone Convention. Gettysburg Optimist needs representation so mark this on your calendar. It will be in our backyard.
15. Our new promotion brochure will be ready soon.
Upcoming Dates:
- 5/17/2022 3rd Quarter Zone Meeting, York, contact Gary
- 5/18/2022 Optimist social @ Fourscore Beer Co., Gettysburg 6PM
- 5/18/2022 Dollars for Scholars recipient Caroline Roy, meet by Zoom
- 5/19/2022 Optimist Golf Tourney, The Links at Gettysburg, 1PM tee time.
- 6/1/2022 Optimist Meeting, location Lake Heritage Pavilion 6PM, Coach recognition
- 7/20/2022 Optimist Family Picnic at the Hill’s
- 8/19-20/2022 4th Quarter Joint Convention at the Wyndham, Gettysburg
- 9/10 & 11/2022 Wine Festival Parking
- 10/4/22 Officer Installation at Mansion House, Fairfield, PA
- 11/3 Adams County Foundation Giving Spree
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament
UncategorizedGettysburg Optimist Club Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament
UncategorizedThe day is finally here! Today, May 19th is the Gettysburg Optimist Clubs’ Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament! Join us at 1pm at the Links at Gettysburg for this amazing event. We can’t wait to see everyone there!
Gettysburg Optimist Club Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament
UncategorizedTomorrow, May 19th at 1pm is the Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament! We’re optimistic for clear skies and sunny weather for this fantastic event, and it’s looking like mother nature is agreeing with us. We hope to see you there!
Meeting Minutes for 5.4.22
UncategorizedOptimist Club of Gettysburg
Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2022
Bring Out the Best in Kids
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 6:00 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center. We had 12 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our fifth meeting in 2022. We had a lasagna dinner prepared by Daryl and assisted by Mark Cropp.
Business Meeting:
Old Business
4. Basketball Committee (Chairs Chris Bender & Brian Skidmore)
5. Golf Committee (Chair Steve Burton)
a. ALL HANDS-ON DECK, sign up sheet for volunteers will be circulated.
b. Tom and Dan reported our date of May 19 is set and our promotion information and registration link is on The Links at Gettysburg website. We are asking members to be proactive in helping promote as well as reserving this day to help.
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
a. Event held 2/23/2022
b. No report
7. Oyster & Shrimp Feed Committee (Chairs Wayne Hill & Stacey Schlosser)
8.Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking Committee (Brian Skidmore)
9. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chairs Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)
10. RIF & Environmental Ed (Chair Lyne Aurand)
New Business
11. 5/18/22 Dollars for Scholars recipient Caroline Roy, meet via Zoom, 6PM on both the district Facebook and Youtube accounts, where you see a thank you from Caroline.
12. Meeting for June 1st location will be Lake Heritage Pavilion, Gettysburg, PA. Mark, Randy, and Gary have agreed to prepare a steak dinner. We will not offer a Zoom option for this meeting due to no Wifi availability. We will be recognizing volunteer “Optimist Basketball Coaches” at this meeting. You will want to mark this date on your calendar.
13. Summer meetings will be held at Lake Heritage pavilion. (6/1, 8/3, 9/7) Our July picnic location will be held at Wayne and Sue’s.
14. August 19-20 at Wyndham, Gettysburg is the Fourth Quarter Zone Convention. Gettysburg Optimist needs representation so mark this on your calendar. It will be in our backyard.
15. Our new promotion brochure will be ready soon.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Meeting Minutes April 6, 2022
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 6:00 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center. We had 10 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our fourth meeting in 2022. We had a pizza dinner compliments of President Gary.
Business Meeting:
Old Business
New Business
The dates are April 22, 23,24, 2022 Contact Mark or Marci for ways to help. This is a great event that our community has been part of for many years.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at the Deatrick Commons Community Center. We had 12 members present for our meeting. President Gary Rappoldt opened the meeting at 6:30pm with an invocation, followed by an outstanding dinner provided by Mark and Marci.
Speaker After dinner President Gary introduced the speaker for the evening, Mr. Steve Heidecker representing the “Dollars for Scholars” program. This program provides scholarships for qualified students. He mentioned that the Optimist Club was one of the original supporters of the program.
Business Meeting
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Approved
Basketball Program: Brian reported that the January program was cancelled. There were 4 sessions in February with 150 youngsters attending. Brian said that the kindergarten session may be eliminated next year.
Golf Outing: Dan Mattern reported about a new fund raising element being introduced called “helicopter ball drop“. Basically you would purchase a numbered golf ball, or balls, which would be dropped on the green from a helicopter. If your ball goes in the hole you win a cash prize. Balls are $10.00 each, and you can purchase as many as you wish. This would be at the Golf Outing on May 19. So tell your friends !!
Respect for Law: Doug Miller assembled an excellent program at the Adams County Court House. Two individuals were recognized by the Optimist Club for their support of the law. They are Kathy Hileman, Adams County Adult Corrections Warden and Larry Snyder Deputy Warden.
Wine Fest: Brian reported that plans are progressing very nicely.
Member Comments: Marci and Mark commented about the “Face of America” bike event on the 24th of April. There will be about 400 participants and volunteers are needed.
Upcoming Dates:
5/19/2022 Golf Tournament
9/10/2022 Wine Festival Parking
Optimistically submitted, Fred Darling
Optimist Club of Gettysburg gives Law Enforcement Award to Adams Correctional Complex wardens
Uncategorized“Optimist Club of Gettysburg representative Doug Miller presented Warden Katy Hileman and Deputy Warden Larry Snyder of the Adams County Adult Correctional Complex their 2022 Law Enforcement Award yesterday morning.
Miller said the two had 30 years of combined experience and were currently responsible for 170 staff members as well as over 300 inmates. Miller said the wardens were “dedicated to the field of corrections and worked to update procedures using evidence-based programming.””
Read more from the article at https://gettysburgconnection.org/optimist-club-of-gettysburg-gives-law-enforcement-award-to-adams-correctional-complex-wardens/?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=Gettysburg%20GO%20Fri%20225&utm_medium=email
Below is a link to the images from the event that have been posted on Facebook!
Thank you to the Gettysburg Times for also coming out to this event and providing some photos. Below is a link to their article!
Optimist Basketball Final Session February 26, 2022
UncategorizedReminder: The Final 2022 Optimist Basketball session will be held this Saturday, February 26, 2022. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.
Thank you to all of the participants. It has been a wonderful 2022 Season!
Meeting Minutes February 2, 2022
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 6:00 PM at Deatrick Village Community Center. We had 12 members present for our meeting. President Gary welcomed all in attendance for our second meeting in 2022 and our first in person meeting. We were treated to a delicious pasta dinner prepared by Gary, Marci, and Mark.
Business Meeting:
Randy reported our 2022 dues are rolling in and this revenue is deposited in the General Account.
Old Business
New Business
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Optimist Basketball Continues February 12, 2022
UncategorizedReminder: The Optimist Basketball season begins this Saturday, February 12, 2022. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.
All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link. Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.